Modi's Political Strategy Explained: Why Drag Adani-Ambani into Politics?

Despite historical precedents of businesses being targeted in politics, Modi's decision to involve Adani and Ambani reflects a calculated effort to leverage their economic contributions and global ventures for political advantage.

Bhupendra Chaubey
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Elections 2024: Modi's Utilisation of Adani-Ambani; Economic Muscle or Political Risk?

In the fiery battleground of Indian politics, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has unveiled a strategic maneuver, pulling corporate giants Adani and Ambani into the political fray, sparking a heated duel with opposition leaders, particularly Rahul Gandhi of the Congress party. The move, though not unprecedented in Indian politics, raises significant questions about the intersection of business and governance.

Modi-Gandhi Clash Highlights Business-Politics Nexus in India?

Modi's counter to Gandhi's relentless attacks on Adani and Ambani underscores the evolving role of businesses in Indian politics, a landscape vastly different from that of the United States, where business leaders openly declare their political affiliations. The irony is not lost on observers, as both Adani and Ambani flourished during the era of economic liberalization ushered in by the Congress party.

Gautam Adani's revelation of the nominal land acquisition costs during various political regimes sheds light on the complex relationship between businesses and governments in India. However, the question remains whether businesses should be fair game in the political battlefield.

A historical lens reveals that attacks on corporate houses are not new in Indian politics. From slogans targeting the Tatas and Birlas during the protests against the emergency in the 1970s to Mamata Banerjee's political maneuvers involving the Tatas in West Bengal, businesses have often been pawns in the political game.

Congress Targets Adani-Ambani to Hit Modi's BJP; Economic Contributions Spotlighted

The recent resurgence of attacks on Adani and Ambani, particularly by the Congress party, serves as cover fire to target Modi and the BJP. Rahul Gandhi's rhetoric of creating "two Indias" — one for Adani and the other for the poor — resonates in the political arena, accompanied by accusations of Modi's alleged favoritism towards corporate interests.

However, Modi's decision to incorporate Adani and Ambani into his political rhetoric signals a strategic shift. Adani's significant contributions to the Indian economy, including investments in infrastructure, renewable energy, and port development, highlight the conglomerate's role in India's economic growth and job creation.

Moreover, Adani's global ventures, such as the acquisition of the Haifa port in Israel and strategic investments in Sri Lankan solar projects, underscore India's economic and strategic interests on the global stage. These moves align with India's efforts to counter the influence of rival nations, particularly China, in the region.

Modi's Utilisation of Adani-Ambani: Economic Muscle or Political Risk?

The inclusion of Adani and Ambani in Modi's political discourse reflects a calculated move to leverage their economic prowess and strategic investments for political gains. However, it also raises questions about the blurred lines between business interests and political agendas.

As the political battle intensifies, the role of corporate giants like Adani and Ambani will continue to be scrutinized. The intertwining of business and politics in India's democratic landscape underscores the complexities and challenges of governance in the world's largest democracy.

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