What Goa is Known for Beyond Beaches? Of Course, It's Startups!

While sandy shores and chilled beers still draw crowds, there's a new wave hitting the scene. Forget just sand between your toes and sips of beer; now it's a hotspot for startups, especially women-led startups!

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What Goa is Known for Beyond Beaches Of Course Its Startups

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What comes to your mind when you hear about Goa? Of course the happening night life and colorful beaches! It is every youngester's dream to visit Goa at least once in a life time... After all, the vibe of Goa is something that nobody can resist. But you know what? Once famed for its beaches and brews, Goa is now stirring up a different kind of buzz!

While sandy shores and chilled beers still draw crowds, there's a new wave hitting the scene. Forget just sand between your toes and sips of beer; now it's a hotspot for startups, especially women-led startups!

Goa Startup Hub

Gone are the days when Goa was known solely for its laid-back charm. While Goa previously conjured images of relaxation, it's now becoming a hotspot for young entrepreneurs, with a whopping 33% of startups being founded or co-founded by women. This surge is credited to supportive government policies and incubators like FiRE Incubation Center and and events organized by the Goa Startup Mission for providing crucial networking opportunities and market insights.

“The presence of 76 startups with women founders or co-founders out of 225 registered startups in Goa exemplifies the significant strides made by women in the tech industry and the startup ecosystem,” said a department official.

Goan Startups

Companies like Rachane Engineering Solutions (think hospitality tech solutions), I-Assist, Blurb Consultancy, Goenkart Digital World, Make it Happen, Tea Trunk and Contractzy (making things easier for people) are just a few examples of the thriving women-led startups in Goa.These women-led startups are not just making waves, they're shaping Goa's entrepreneurial landscape.

These inspiring founders are getting a major boost from initiatives like the Goa Startup Yatra and Startup Goa programs. Masterclasses, workshops, and networking events are helping young innovators and female entrepreneurs turn their ideas into reality.

Women in India's Startup Ecosystem Report (WISER)

The impact of women in Goa's startup ecosystem extends beyond individual businesses. The Women in India's Startup Ecosystem Report (WISER) reveals a national trend of increased female participation, with the number reaching 18% between 2017 and 2021. Goa's success story serves as an inspiration for other states and aspiring women entrepreneurs across India.

Women founders themselves acknowledge the role played by the Startup and IT Promotion Cell (SITPC) and incubators in their entrepreneurial journeys. Gautami Raikar, the founder of Contractzy, emphasizes the constant encouragement she's received to innovate and simplify life for people. She also acknowledges the push from the Goa government to empower young entrepreneurs, a push that she believes will pave the way for even more women to join the startup ecosystem.

As Goa embraces innovation alongside its traditional allure, it emerges not just as a tourist hotspot, but also as a dynamic startup destination, paving the way for a diverse and prosperous future.

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