What Are Google's New AI Tools Doing to Help You Shop Smarter?

Google understands that brand reputation is crucial for shoppers. That's why they're introducing visual brand profiles directly on Search. What are these new tools by google? Check out here!

Shreshtha Verma
New Update
What Are Google New AI Tools Doing to Help You Shop Smarter

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Ever spend hours scrolling through search results, trying to find the right brand for you? You're not alone. In today's online shopping world, it can be overwhelming to choose between countless retailers. But Google is here to help!

Google's New AI Tools

At their recent Google Marketing Live event, Google announced a suite of new AI tools designed to make shopping online a breeze. These tools focus on two key areas: helping businesses showcase their brand identity and empowering retailers to create high-quality content.

Let's dive deeper and see how these features will make your shopping experience smoother.

Building Trust and Transparency: Brand Profiles on Google Search

Google understands that brand reputation is crucial for shoppers. That's why they're introducing visual brand profiles directly on Search. These profiles will act as a one-stop shop for all your brand-related needs. Imagine searching for a new pair of sneakers and seeing a dedicated profile showcasing the brand's best qualities – engaging product images, customer reviews, current deals, and even their shipping policies. All this information will be pulled from the merchant's Google Merchant Center data and Google's Shopping Graph, giving you a clear picture of the brand and its offerings.

"At a time when shoppers are flooded with options," said Matt Madrigal, Vice President and GM of Merchant Shopping at Google, "we're introducing new ways to deepen the connections between shoppers and merchants through rich and compelling content." These brand profiles are a big step towards achieving that goal.

Express Yourself: AI-Powered Content Creation with Product Studio

But Google's not stopping there. They're also giving retailers the power to create unique and engaging content that reflects their brand identity. Their existing AI-powered tool, Product Studio, is getting a major upgrade. Previously, Product Studio helped generate product images and videos. Now, it goes a step further by allowing merchants to upload reference photos that represent their brand aesthetic. This ensures that the AI-generated content perfectly matches the brand's look and feel. Imagine creating fresh, high-quality marketing materials with minimal effort – that's the magic of the new Product Studio.

On top of that, Product Studio is getting a fun new feature: video generation! With just a single product photo, retailers can now create short videos or eye-catching product GIFs. This is a game-changer for social media marketing, allowing businesses to easily develop engaging content that grabs attention.

The brand profiles on Search are rolling out globally over the coming months. The Product Studio upgrades are live now in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia, with India and Japan joining the party in the coming weeks. So, get ready for a more informative and personalized shopping experience thanks to Google's latest AI tools!

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