Latest EPFO Data: Informing Policy, Economics, and Business Strategies

The EPFO data reveals the enrolment of about 7.78 lakh new members in February 2024, with the 18-25 age group making up 56.36% of this total, indicating a significant trend.

New Update

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Highlights From Latest EPFO Data 

  • EPFO added 15.48 lakh net members in February 2024, signaling substantial growth in the organized workforce.
  • The 18-25 age group comprised 56.36% of new members, indicating a prominent influx of young professionals.
  • Approximately 11.78 lakh members exited and rejoined EPFO during the same period, possibly indicating job transitions and a focus on financial stability.
  • Gender-wise, 2.05 lakh new members were female, with a net addition of 3.08 lakh female members, demonstrating strides towards workplace inclusivity.
  • Various sectors experienced growth, with expert services notably contributing to the increased membership.
  • Despite being provisional, the data provides crucial insights into evolving workforce dynamics, aiding informed decision-making for policymakers, economists, and businesses alike.

EPFO Adds 15.48 Lakh New Members in February 2024, Youth Dominance Evident

In the latest release of provisional payroll data by the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) on April 20, 2024, it was revealed that the EPFO added a substantial 15.48 lakh net members during the month of February, 2024. This data sheds light on the evolving landscape of employment and workforce dynamics in India.

Youth Dominance in EPFO Enrollment: 18-25 Age Group Leads

One of the striking aspects of the data is the enrollment of approximately 7.78 lakh new members during February 2024. What's noteworthy is the dominance of the 18-25 age group, constituting a significant 56.36% of the total new members added during this period. This indicates a trend where a majority of individuals joining the organized workforce are young, likely representing first-time job seekers eager to make their mark in the professional world.

Rejoining Trend Reflects Long-Term Financial Planning

Furthermore, the data highlights that around 11.78 lakh members exited and subsequently rejoined EPFO during the same period. These members, possibly switching jobs, opted to transfer their accumulations instead of applying for final settlement, emphasizing the importance of long-term financial planning and social security protection.

Gender Inclusivity on the Rise in Indian Job Market 

A gender-wise analysis reveals that out of the 7.78 lakh new members, approximately 2.05 lakh are female. Additionally, the net addition of female members stood at around 3.08 lakh, suggesting a positive shift towards a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

EPFO Data Reveals Industry Growth and Sectoral Comparison

Industry-wise comparisons show growth in establishments engaged in various sectors such as manufacturing, computer services, transportation, automobile servicing, textiles, and more. Notably, around 41.53% of the total net membership addition comes from expert services, including manpower suppliers, contractors, security services, and miscellaneous activities.

Continuous Data Updates Ensure Accuracy

It's important to note that the provided payroll data is provisional, as updating employee records is an ongoing process. Since April 2018, EPFO has been releasing monthly payroll data covering the period from September 2017 onwards. This data includes new members joining EPFO through Aadhaar-validated Universal Account Numbers (UAN), existing members exiting coverage, and those who exited but re-joined during the month.

Insights for Policy, Economy, and Businesses From EPFO Data 

EPFO data illuminates shifting workforce dynamics, revealing trends in employment, gender inclusivity, and industry preferences. This invaluable resource guides policymakers in crafting responsive regulations, aids economists in predicting economic trends, and assists businesses in aligning strategies with market demands. In a rapidly evolving landscape, EPFO data serves as a vital compass, offering insights that extend beyond numbers to shape decisions and actions across the modern workforce ecosystem.

Disclaimer: This news has been produced from a Press Information Bureau (PIB) release. TICE has only rewritten it for better readability without altering any facts.
