GSEA's Quest: Identifying the Next Zuckerberg Hiding in Your Campus!

Global Student Entrepreneur Awards

Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) is an international competition that encourages college and university students to pursue entrepreneurship with the grand prize of $50,000, global recognition, and the title of Global Champion

Rise of Student Entrepreneurs

The rise of student entrepreneurs is being supported by various social factors, such as an increasing middle and upper-middle-class population, the emphasis on technical education, and a focus on skill development

Many Successful Stories

Many successful companies were born in humble university dorm rooms, such as Google, Facebook, Time Magazine, Snapchat, Reddit, and FedEx

How Does GSEA Help Student Entrepreneurs

GSEA provides students with access to resources, mentorship programs, and global competitions to help them succeed in pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams

Create the Next New

With dedication, innovation, and the right idea, students can transform their dorm room dreams into global business empires